
Fear of dental therapies or surgery can be overcome by inducing conscious sedation in the patient, which allows clinical therapies to be faced safely and without anxiety and stress.
Conscious sedation is a pharmacologically induced state administered by a specialist in anaesthesiology, during which the patient is very relaxed, semi-dormant and participates. It is used in selected cases such as: long interventions, or on patients who from an emotional point of view cannot take medical therapies.
The patient who undergoes conscious sedation intravenously experiences anxiolysis, with consequent reduction of pain and of the discomfort caused by clinical activity together with provocation of amnesia of the intervention period. This ensures a favorable approach to the treatments that require this practice
After an evaluation by the anaesthesiologist, conscious sedation can be practiced on adults or children where an intervention under local anaesthesia alone is assessed as not possible.
Therefore conscious sedation is very suitable for the management of anxiety and behavior of the uncooperative patient, such as, for example, the pediatric patient.
An anaesthesiological visit with a specialized doctor is of fundamental importance prior to an intervention under conscious sedation
During the visit, the specialist performs a complete analysis of the distant and recent anamnestic data, evaluating the patient’s suitability for surgery under sedation.
The pharmacological techniques available are various and must be chosen according to the specific case.
Conscious sedation with protoxide is an anxiolytic condition induced by a defined mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide.
This technique is used effectively and safely on young patients.
During sedation, the young patient remains fully conscious, collaborative and finds himself in a perfectly serene and relaxed emotional state.
In children who are unable to breathe properly through the nose, conscious intravenous sedation may be considered.
At our centre, a team of specialized clinicians monitor the interventions performed with the aid of conscious sedation so as to proceed in complete safety.
If the general health conditions of our patient were seriously compromised, or in the case of very complex surgical therapies, it may be necessary to perform these operations under general anaesthesia in a hospital setting.
General anaesthesia is a technique that is performed in a hospital setting where conscious sedation procedures cannot be used.
The patients for whom the use of general anaesthesia is preferred are generally:
- Pediatric patients who need to undergo numerous dental treatments
- Patients with very extensive trauma
- Totally uncooperative patients, where conscious sedation is insufficient
- Patients who present various medical problems
- Patients with psycho-motor disabilities
Once the patient and / or who acts on his behalf is favorable, all specific assessments will be made by the relevant clinicians for this type of procedure.
At our centre, the patient who undergoes an operation under general anaesthesia will undertake a pre and post-operative course of preparation.