Endodontics is a specialization in general dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of pathological processes of the vascular – nervous system of the teeth (called pulp).
When the dental pulpis affected by carious contamination or trauma, it is necessary to remove the same through a specific therapy called root canalor endodontic therapy or devitalization.
In our centre, the new minimally invasive techniques, as well as the use of advanced technologies, such as laser, together with the experience of specialized operators, guarantee the success of these interventions.
Root canal therapies may be required on dental elements which have been already devitalized and need pretreatment due to an inflammatory or an infective reaction of the specific root canals.
Devitalization of the teeth is necessary whenever the nervous system of the tooth is affected by caries or is traumatized to the point that a reaction called “pulpitis” occurs which, depending on the stage in which it is found, can be symptomatic or even asymptomatic.
Pulpitis is inflammation of the dental pulp and is clinically represented by the presence of spontaneous pain that is particularly sensitive to hot stimuli.
This pain, in the early stages can be described as annoying, but it soon becomes stronger, acute, diffused and spreads to another intra or extra oral area. Pain can arise spontaneously after simply taking the supine position. This explains the reason for the nocturnal onset of spontaneous pain.
As in all pains of pulp origin, the site is not identifiable by the patient and the pain radiates, spreads for example to the eye, ear or other areas.
>> Pulpite
When the caries is so deep that it comes into contact with the nerve, it is necessary to resort to its removal (devitalization).
Even violent or slow and repeated traumas can cause an alteration of the nervous system of the tooth even to the point of needing to remove it by means of devitalization.
After adequate anaesthesia, the patient undergoing this treatment will have no problem.
This therapy involves specific phases:
- Correct removal of the pulp
- Disinfection
- Shaping the canal together with the use of a rubber dam allows the canals to be prepared for perfect sealing, a fundamental element for a predictable prognosis.
Electronic devices are of fundamental importance to guarantee the high quality of the therapies. They allow detection of canal measurements, shape and seal the root canals, as well as radiographic systems that can confirm the correct outcome of the therapy.
One talks of root canal retreatment whenever it is necessary to re-intervene in a previously devitalized dental element.
Cases in which retreatment may be deemed necessary are:
- incongruous devitalization
- bacterial contaminations with the formation of abscesses, granulomas, cysts.
- Need to position endocanal reinforcement pins.
The therapy involves emptying the root canals of materials for devitalization, disinfection and dressing, perfect closure of the root canals and subsequent adequate reconstructionof the dental element.
Our clinics specialized in endodontics, practice the most modern techniques, supported by the most advanced technology, with mechanical and electronic instruments, in addition to the use of Laser.
Il principale obiettivo del trattamento endodontico è la prevenzione e il trattamento delle infezioni canalari ed extra canalari dette: “periapicali”.
Per tale ragione per avere un successo clinico, è importante ridurre al minimo la contaminazione batterica all’interno del canale. A tale scopo i nostri clinici utilizzano tutta la tecnologia oggi disponibile al fine di ridurre tali rischi: (uso della diga, strumentazione elettronica, strumentazione meccanica, disinfezione protocollata, uso del laser… )
Il laser dona un contributo importante poiché permette una sterilizzazione fisica dei canali radicolari, interessando aree difficilmente raggiungibili con i metodi tradizionali.
Il laser agisce in modo diretto distruggendo le membrane cellulari batteriche, ma anche in modo indiretto mobilizzando ed attivando i vari disinfettanti immessi nel canale così da potenziarne l’efficacia.
L’utilizzo del laser pertanto, contribuisce a migliorare la percentuale di successo dei trattamenti canalari, soprattutto in quei casi dove sono presenti infezioni croniche più o meno grandi.