Radiology 2020-05-21T11:51:43+02:00


Thanks to the help of the most modern digital radiological supports, it is possible to decrease the X-ray dose to minimum levels.
This allows the operator to be able to formulate a precise and detailed diagnosis, without particular risks for the patient who undergoes these tests.
Despite the minimal exposure, the use of radiogenic sources requires the observation of precise safety and radiation protection regulations for all patients, especially in women who are presumed or certain of pregnancy.
There are different types of radiological tests that are selected by the specialized operator according to the specific case and the area to be investigated.


We always want the best for our patients and for this reason, at our centre, we are equipped with the most advanced equipment for carrying out 3D examinations of the oral cavity and its surroundings.

We boast the most advanced technology in 3D today or Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CT) which is a type of radiological examination that allows you to evaluate and study bone and dental structures in a three-dimensional way, on all planes of the space, with precise and well-defined images, as well as having an important reduction in the radiant dose, compared to traditional CTtechnology.

The advanced technology of CT CONE BEAM, compared to the common CT,has therefore allowed great steps forward to be taken both in terms of quality and in the reduction of radiogenic emissions.

Therefore, CONE BEAM CT is considered the main examination asset in orthognathodontic, gnathological-postural and surgical diagnosis.


Orthopantomography, (called OPG), allows a two-dimensional vision of both dental arches.

At our centre, the most advanced technology is used today for performing 2D radiographic examinations with a very low radiant dose.

It is an indispensable examination both for diagnosis and for prevention at the dental level, it also gives an initial view of the quality of the bone structures that makes up the oral cavity.



Teleradiography of the skull with latero-lateral projection is a useful tool for the orthognathodonticdiagnosis. It provides a two-dimensional view of the skull’s bone and dental structure.

Our centre uses the most modern equipment with extremely low radiant doses, thanks to the use of digitalized systems.

It is used to check the growth and / or growth anomaly of bone structures, and to evaluate the progress of an orthodontic therapy, therefore it is possible that this examination be repeated several times during the therapy.

Through this type of examination, the specialized operator will be able to construct a track, called CEPHALOMETRIC TRACK,which consists of identifying, from the patient’s radiography, a series of points, planes and anglesrelating to the antero-posterior  area of ​​the skull.

Thanks to cephalometric tracing, it is possible to identify exactly the position and nature of the structural anomaly and consequently to study a therapy aimed at correcting that parameter.


It is the exam that is used at a gnathological level to evaluate the quality of the bone structures that  make up the temporomandibular joints, in relation to the function of the subject.

In fact, it allows a two-dimensional view of the temporo-mandibular jointsand allows the specialized clinician to identify any anomaly  and to study a gnathological therapy aimed at solving the pathology.

Our centre uses the most modern equipment with extremely low radiant doses, thanks to the use of digitalized systems.


Intra-oral radiology, at our centre, is performed through the best techniques available on the market today, namely the Phosphor systems which, with a low radiant dose,  obtain very high image definition.

Intra-oral radiographs are divided according to clinical needs

  • Periapical X-ray
  • bite – wing X-ray:


Periapical intra-oral radiographs are specific radiological investigations and involve a single dental element or small groups.

They allow a high definition vision of the entire dental element, from the incisal edge to the apex of the root.

Therefore, this type of examination is widely used for endodontic diagnosisand also during a root canal treatment, it allows the specialized clinician to check that the root canals have been closed.

It can also be used to diagnose any lesions at the root apex level(e.g. Granuloma) or to identify any small carious  lesions of the element being examined.


This type of intra-oral radiography allows the evaluation of the dental crowns and inter-proximal spaces, without including the root portion in the image.

The radiographs performed with bite-wing technique permit the vision of two or more dental elements of both arches.

Therefore, it is considered the main examination for the diagnosis of caries.


Magnetic resonance imaging is a type of radiological examination, which  investigates in more depth any specific anomalies, of different nature, that involve the soft tissues adjacent to the oral cavity, such as menisci, ligaments, muscles and major salivary glands.

In our clinical practice, this examination is frequently requested in the functional or dysfunctional assessment of the mouth to identify any small carious lesions affecting the element under consideration.

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