Clinical and instrumental treatment of a patient with dysfunction of the stomatognathic system: a case report
Annali di Stomatologia, 2010
Alberto Baldini
During the “Consensus Conference”, held in Milan in 1997 (1), it was reported that there was no scientific evidence to support a connection between occlusion and posture. Thus, using occlusal treatment to prevent postural problems would not be justifiable. Other scientific articles have also reached this conclusion (2). [ … ]
An association between sella turcica bridging and dental transposition
EJO, 2011
Rosalia Leonardi, Mauro Farella, Martyn T. Cobourne
Tooth transposition has been defined as a form of ectopic eruption, involving the positional interchange of two adjacent teeth or the development and eruption of a tooth into a position normally occupied by a non-adjacent tooth (Peck et al., 1993). [ … ]
A Rare Cause for Cervical Pain: Eagle’s Syndrome
International Journal of Dentistry, Nov 2008
Massimo Politi, Corrado Toro, and Giulia Tenani
It was Eagle in 1937 that first defined “stylalgia” as an autonomous entity related to abnormal length of the styloid process or to mineralization of the stylohyoid ligament complex [1–3]. [ … ]
Electromyographic evaluation of masticatory, neck, and trunk muscle activity in patients with posterior crossbites
EJO, 2010
Simona Tecco, Stefano Tetè and Felice Festa
Experimental data indicate that the presence of an altered occlusion may result in a reduction or inhibition of the surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity of the elevator muscles (Ingervall and Carlsson, 1982). [ … ]